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De ruysscher, D., “Verhoeven’s Constitution for Mechelen (1790): Constitutional Thinking and Medieval City Charters”, blog post


De ruysscher, D., “Changes in Sovereignty Concepts of Cities of Trade and the Impact on Diplomatic Relations (Low Countries, 15th-16th Centuries)”, in L. Brunori (ed.), La dynamique juridique des réseaux marchands: hanses, nations, agences, filiales et comptoirs, Toulouse, Toulouse University Press, 2023, 83-98.


De ruysscher, D., “The Rule of Law in Cities of the Medieval Low Countries: Community-Building in Context”, The Hague Journal of the Rule of Law 15/2 (2023), 227-241.


De ruysscher, D., "Coutumes et droit urbain: conserver et adapter la tradition (Pays-bas, 16e-17e siècles)”, Revue historique de droit français et étranger (2023-1), 11-30. 


De ruysscher, D., “Shipping, commerce and the risk of jurisdiction: the Scheldt trade (sixteenth century)”, in M. Fusaro (ed.), Risk management and Jurisdictional Boundaries Pre-Modern Europe, thematic issue of Quaderni Storici 171 (2023), 625-648.


Gordijn, F., 'Struggling for legal primacy in the Zwin: Bruges and Sluys, 1492-1520', Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis (2024), 382-412.


Bökenkamp, D., 'Co-ratification in practice. The Treaty of the More and the city of Rouen (1525)', Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis (2024), 413-439.




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