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Dave De ruysscher (PI)


Is a legal historian and lawyer. He conducts research on subjects regarding the history of commercial law from the Middle Ages to the present. To date Dave has written five significant books, as well as several peer-reviewed articles and book chapters in English, French and Dutch. He is full professor at the Department of Public Law, Jurisprudence and Legal History at Tilburg University and associate professor at the Department of Interdisciplinary Legal Studies of the Vrije Universiteit Brussels. Dave De ruysscher is member of the Young Academy of Europe and of the Young Academy of Flanders. He was awarded an ERC Starting Grant in 2016 (CLLS) and this ERC Consolidator Grant in 2022. 


Femke Gordijn


Studied history at Leiden University (research master Colonial and Global History). She was student-assistant, and worked on the NWOI-project Public Diplomacy in Early Modern Europe. She has worked at the Huygens Institute, and has great skills in digital humanities (o.a. in the project on the digitization of the resolutions of the Estates-General (late 16th-17th centuries). Femke will study Southampton and Bruges in the period 1400-1520. 


Andriws Barrera Gonzalez 


Studied history at Leiden University (bachelor, with a paper on the diplomacy between the Dutch Republic and Venice in the 1580s) and political sciences at the VU Amsterdam. Andriws will study Toulouse and Florence in the period 1470-1550. 


Daniel Bökenkamp 


Studied law at Leiden University and an additional LLM at Heidelberg (with a master thesis on municipal status in nineteenth-century German territories). He was lecturer at the VU Amsterdam and has an interest in history and legal philosophy. Daniel will analyze Rouen and Lübeck (16th century). 


Florian Herrendorf


Studied history at Leiden University (research master Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence). He worked on Dutch colonial fortifications in West-Central Africa (17th century). Florian will study the external aspects of economic sovereignty for the cities of Lübeck, Rouen and Toulouse.


Rani Jeans


Studied liberal arts at Tilburg University and Legal and Constitutional Studies (MLitt) at Saint Andrews. She will study the external aspects of economic sovereignty for the cities of Southampton, Bruges and Florence.


Christophe Schellekens


Studied history and obtained a PhD at EUI. He will study the methodological aspects of the project (social network analysis and agent based modeling).



Advisory committee


Prof. Jan Dumolyn (Ghent University)

Prof. Maria Fusaro (University of Exeter)

Prof. Carlos Petit (University of Huelva)

Dr. Johannes Preiser-Kapeller (University of Vienna)

Dr. G. Rossi (University of Palermo)


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